nullcon Goa dwitiya (2.0) Call For Papers
2010-09-01 13:41:44 UTC
nullcon Dwitiya (2.0)
The Jugaad(hacking) Conference

nullcon is an initiative by null - The open security community.


Calling all Jugaadus(hackers)
It's the time of the year when we welcome research done by the
community as paper submissions for nullcon.
So, sip your coffee, dust your debuggers, fire your tools, challenge
your grey cells and shoot us an email.

- Bakkar: 1 Hr Talks
- Tez: 5-30 min Talks
- Karyashala: 2-4 Hrs Workshop
- Desi Jugaad (Local Hack): 1 Hr

Submition Topics:
1. One of the topics of interest to us is "Desi Jugaad"(Local Hack)
and has a separate track of it's own. Submissions can be any kind of
local hacks that you have worked on (hints: electronic/mechanical
meters, automobile hacking, Hardware, mobile phones, lock-picking,
bypassing procedures and processes, etc, Be creative :-D)

2. The topics pertaining to security and Hacking in the following
domains(but not limited to)
- Hardware (ex: RFID, Magnetic Strips, Card Readers, Mobile Devices,
Electronic Devices)
- Tools (open source)
- Programming/Software Development
- Networks
- Information Warfare
- Botnets, Malware
- Web
- New attack vectors
- Mobile, VOIP and Telecom
- VM
- Cloud
- Critical Infrastructure
- Satellite
- Wireless
- Forensics
- Cyber Laws

Submission Format:
Email the cfp to: cfp(_at_)nullcon.net
Subject should be: CFP Dwitiya <Paper Title>
Email Body:
- Name
- Handle
- Track & Time required
- Paper Title
- Country of residence
- Organization
- Contact no.
- Have you presented/submitted this talk at any other conference(s)?
- Why do you think your paper is different/innovative?
- Brief Profile ( <= 500 Words)
- Paper Abstract ( <= 3000 Words)

NOTE: The Abstract should clearly mention the techniques and hacks in
detail and merely mentioning that it works will not help in
understanding the research to it's full extent.

Important Dates:
CFP End Date: 30th November 2010
Speakers List Online: 10th December 2010
Conference Dates: 25th - 26th February 2011

Goa, India
(Exact Venue TBD)

Speaker Benifits:
For Tracks "Bakkar", "Desi Jugaad" and "Karyashala"
1. Free Accommodation for 3 nights
2. Travel (One way or Return depending on the Sponsorships :-) )
3. Free access to the conference.
4. Invitation to Mehfil-E-Mausiqi (null party)

For Track "Tez"
1. Free access to the conference.
2. Invitation to Mehfil-E-Mausiqi (null party)

* Only one speaker will be eligible for the benfits in case there are
two or more speakers for a talk.
