2011-01-18 19:07:01 UTC
CALL FOR PAPERS - 6th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance (ASIA '11)
14th Annual New York State Cyber Security Conference
Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY
June 7-8, 2011
http://www.albany.edu/iasymposium (ASIA - for academic peer-reviewed
presentations & proceedings)
(Cyber Security Conference - for practitioner presentations)
Paper Submission Deadline February 15, 2010
Reviewer Feedback March 15, 2011
Final Paper Submission March 31, 2011
Symposium Dates June 7-8, 2011
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers to the
6th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance. Accepted papers will
appear in the symposium proceedings. This symposium is jointly held
with the 14th Annual New York State Cyber Security Conference. This
two-day event attracts practitioners, researchers, and vendors
providing opportunities for business and intellectual engagement among
attendees. The symposium is organized by the University at Albany,
State University of New York, the NYS Division of Homeland Security
and Emergency Services Office of Cyber Security (OCS), and the NYS
Forum. There is no registration fee for authors of accepted papers.
All participants in ASIA '11 will also be able to attend the rest of
the NYS Cyber Security Conference sessions.
In the past, the NYS Cyber Security Conference and ASIA have had
excellent keynote speakers such as Larry Ponemon from the Ponemon
Institute; Billy Rios from Google; Philip Reitinger, the Deputy Under
Secretary of the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD),
U.S. Department of Homeland Security; and Raphael Perl, Head, Action
Against Terrorism Unit, Office of Security Cooperation in Europe among
In addition to the keynotes, we have had wonderful presenters
including top information security officials, consultants, policy
developers and analysts, and researchers from a myriad of well-known
institutions. This includes the Lance Spitzer of Honeytech; Johnny
Starrunner from the FBI Cyber Division, Deputy Director of the Office
of SAFETY Act Implementation, Science and Technology Directorate,
Department of Homeland Security; the Lead for Cyber, Public Sector,
Global Business Services, IBM; National Security and Emergency
Preparedness Department, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Team Cymru; M&T
Bank Corporation, Principal Architect for the Microsoft Malware
Protection Center (MMPC), Microsoft; Identity Force; Booz Allen
Hamilton; LexisNexis; President, EMPACT America; Anti-Phishing Working
Group, Greylogic, Nassau County District Attorney's Office; General
Electric; NYS Attorney General's Office, NYS Department of Health;
Computer Crime Unit, USPS Office of the Inspector General, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, and the PCI Security Standard
Suggested topics for submission of papers are listed below (but not limited to):
Cyber Warfare, Information Assurance, Security Data Collection and
Analysis, Linguistic Analysis for Security and Intelligence,
Internet-based Terrorism and Espionage, Reverse Engineering of Viruses
and Worms, Security Policy Implementation & Compliance, Botnet
Detection and Prevention, Information Security Risk Management,
Self-organization Based Security Models, Economics of Information
Security, Biological Models of Security, Computer & Network Forensics,
Network Security and Intrusion Detection, Computer Crime and Digital
Forensics, Security in the Cloud / Distributed Systems, Forensic
Accounting and Fraud Detection,Curriculum Development in Information
Security, Digital Rights Management, Privacy & Security, Smart Grid /
Critical Infrastructure Security
Submissions can be made in a number of categories: Completed research
papers, research-in-progress papers, case studies, and panel
proposals/round table discussions. Please follow the following
guidelines in preparing your submission.
* Completed Research Papers: Typically 5,000 words long (excluding
abstract and references).
* Research in Progress Papers: Typically 2,500 words (excluding
abstract and references).
* Case Studies: Typically between 3,000 and 5,000 words long.
* Round Table Discussion: Typically a 1,000 word synopsis of the topic area.
* Panel Proposals: Typically a 1,000 word description, identifying
the panelists to be involved.
1. Submitted papers must not have been previously published, or
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, or have
substantial overlap with papers the author has submitted elsewhere.
2. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process.
3. Papers selected for presentation will be published in formal
proceedings. Arrangements are also being made with journals to publish
extended versions of selected papers from the symposium.
4. Papers in the topic areas discussed are preferred, although
contributions outside those topics may also be of interest. Please
feel free at any time to contact the symposium chair if you have
questions regarding your submission.
5. Papers should be submitted via email to the chair at
***@albany.edu in IEEE format and should include the following:
a) Separate title page (in plain text) with Title, Name(s)
of authors, Organizational affiliation(s), telephone and fax
number(s), postal address(es), and email address(es), Author to
contact for correspondence about the paper. b) Abstract (less than 250
words) c) Paper including a brief biography of each author as
appropriate at the end of the paper
Sanjay Goel
Director of Research, NYS Center for Information Forensics and Assurance (CIFA)
Associate Professor, School of Business University at Albany, State
University of New York
BA 310b, 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222
PH: (518) 442-4925
Email: ***@albany.edu
Damira Pon
Senior Research Analyst, NYS Center for Information Forensics and
Assurance (CIFA)
University at Albany, State University of New York
1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222
PH: (518) 442-4925
Email: ***@gmail.com
Anil B. Somayaji, Carleton University, Canada; Boleslaw Szymanski,
Rensselaer Polytechnic University; George Berg, University at Albany,
State University of New York; Jeffrey Carr, GreyLogic; Gurpreet
Dhillon, Virginia Commonwealth University; Ronald Dodge, United States
Military Academy West Point; Hemantha Herath, Brock University; Hong
C. Li, Intel Corporation; Martin Loeb, University of Maryland; Alvaro
Ortigosa, Autonoma Universidad de Madrid; Billy Rios, Google, Inc.; S.
S. Ravi, University at Albany, State University of New York; Raj
Sharman, University at Buffalo, State University of New York; M.P.
Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India; Dipankar
Dasgupta, University of Memphis; Daniel O. Rice, Technology Solutions
Experts, Inc.; Stephen F. Bush, GE Global Research Center; Shambhu J.
Upadhyaya, University at Buffalo, State University of New York; Teju
Herath, Brock University; Stelios Sidiroglou-Douskos, MIT; Shiu-Kai
Chin, Syracuse University; Sumita Mishra, Rochester Institute of
Technology; Alvaro Ortigosa, Autonoma Universidad de Madrid
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14th Annual New York State Cyber Security Conference
Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY
June 7-8, 2011
http://www.albany.edu/iasymposium (ASIA - for academic peer-reviewed
presentations & proceedings)
(Cyber Security Conference - for practitioner presentations)
Paper Submission Deadline February 15, 2010
Reviewer Feedback March 15, 2011
Final Paper Submission March 31, 2011
Symposium Dates June 7-8, 2011
Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers to the
6th Annual Symposium on Information Assurance. Accepted papers will
appear in the symposium proceedings. This symposium is jointly held
with the 14th Annual New York State Cyber Security Conference. This
two-day event attracts practitioners, researchers, and vendors
providing opportunities for business and intellectual engagement among
attendees. The symposium is organized by the University at Albany,
State University of New York, the NYS Division of Homeland Security
and Emergency Services Office of Cyber Security (OCS), and the NYS
Forum. There is no registration fee for authors of accepted papers.
All participants in ASIA '11 will also be able to attend the rest of
the NYS Cyber Security Conference sessions.
In the past, the NYS Cyber Security Conference and ASIA have had
excellent keynote speakers such as Larry Ponemon from the Ponemon
Institute; Billy Rios from Google; Philip Reitinger, the Deputy Under
Secretary of the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD),
U.S. Department of Homeland Security; and Raphael Perl, Head, Action
Against Terrorism Unit, Office of Security Cooperation in Europe among
In addition to the keynotes, we have had wonderful presenters
including top information security officials, consultants, policy
developers and analysts, and researchers from a myriad of well-known
institutions. This includes the Lance Spitzer of Honeytech; Johnny
Starrunner from the FBI Cyber Division, Deputy Director of the Office
of SAFETY Act Implementation, Science and Technology Directorate,
Department of Homeland Security; the Lead for Cyber, Public Sector,
Global Business Services, IBM; National Security and Emergency
Preparedness Department, U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Team Cymru; M&T
Bank Corporation, Principal Architect for the Microsoft Malware
Protection Center (MMPC), Microsoft; Identity Force; Booz Allen
Hamilton; LexisNexis; President, EMPACT America; Anti-Phishing Working
Group, Greylogic, Nassau County District Attorney's Office; General
Electric; NYS Attorney General's Office, NYS Department of Health;
Computer Crime Unit, USPS Office of the Inspector General, National
Institute of Standards and Technology, and the PCI Security Standard
Suggested topics for submission of papers are listed below (but not limited to):
Cyber Warfare, Information Assurance, Security Data Collection and
Analysis, Linguistic Analysis for Security and Intelligence,
Internet-based Terrorism and Espionage, Reverse Engineering of Viruses
and Worms, Security Policy Implementation & Compliance, Botnet
Detection and Prevention, Information Security Risk Management,
Self-organization Based Security Models, Economics of Information
Security, Biological Models of Security, Computer & Network Forensics,
Network Security and Intrusion Detection, Computer Crime and Digital
Forensics, Security in the Cloud / Distributed Systems, Forensic
Accounting and Fraud Detection,Curriculum Development in Information
Security, Digital Rights Management, Privacy & Security, Smart Grid /
Critical Infrastructure Security
Submissions can be made in a number of categories: Completed research
papers, research-in-progress papers, case studies, and panel
proposals/round table discussions. Please follow the following
guidelines in preparing your submission.
* Completed Research Papers: Typically 5,000 words long (excluding
abstract and references).
* Research in Progress Papers: Typically 2,500 words (excluding
abstract and references).
* Case Studies: Typically between 3,000 and 5,000 words long.
* Round Table Discussion: Typically a 1,000 word synopsis of the topic area.
* Panel Proposals: Typically a 1,000 word description, identifying
the panelists to be involved.
1. Submitted papers must not have been previously published, or
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere, or have
substantial overlap with papers the author has submitted elsewhere.
2. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process.
3. Papers selected for presentation will be published in formal
proceedings. Arrangements are also being made with journals to publish
extended versions of selected papers from the symposium.
4. Papers in the topic areas discussed are preferred, although
contributions outside those topics may also be of interest. Please
feel free at any time to contact the symposium chair if you have
questions regarding your submission.
5. Papers should be submitted via email to the chair at
***@albany.edu in IEEE format and should include the following:
a) Separate title page (in plain text) with Title, Name(s)
of authors, Organizational affiliation(s), telephone and fax
number(s), postal address(es), and email address(es), Author to
contact for correspondence about the paper. b) Abstract (less than 250
words) c) Paper including a brief biography of each author as
appropriate at the end of the paper
Sanjay Goel
Director of Research, NYS Center for Information Forensics and Assurance (CIFA)
Associate Professor, School of Business University at Albany, State
University of New York
BA 310b, 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222
PH: (518) 442-4925
Email: ***@albany.edu
Damira Pon
Senior Research Analyst, NYS Center for Information Forensics and
Assurance (CIFA)
University at Albany, State University of New York
1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222
PH: (518) 442-4925
Email: ***@gmail.com
Anil B. Somayaji, Carleton University, Canada; Boleslaw Szymanski,
Rensselaer Polytechnic University; George Berg, University at Albany,
State University of New York; Jeffrey Carr, GreyLogic; Gurpreet
Dhillon, Virginia Commonwealth University; Ronald Dodge, United States
Military Academy West Point; Hemantha Herath, Brock University; Hong
C. Li, Intel Corporation; Martin Loeb, University of Maryland; Alvaro
Ortigosa, Autonoma Universidad de Madrid; Billy Rios, Google, Inc.; S.
S. Ravi, University at Albany, State University of New York; Raj
Sharman, University at Buffalo, State University of New York; M.P.
Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India; Dipankar
Dasgupta, University of Memphis; Daniel O. Rice, Technology Solutions
Experts, Inc.; Stephen F. Bush, GE Global Research Center; Shambhu J.
Upadhyaya, University at Buffalo, State University of New York; Teju
Herath, Brock University; Stelios Sidiroglou-Douskos, MIT; Shiu-Kai
Chin, Syracuse University; Sumita Mishra, Rochester Institute of
Technology; Alvaro Ortigosa, Autonoma Universidad de Madrid
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If you are not the intended recipient of this email and its
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